North Whitehall Township has a Zoning and Code Enforcement Officer as listed below for all Zoning Inspections
The North Whitehall Township Zoning Ordinance is a very detailed document that addresses most matters related to Zoning Districts, Permitted Uses and Structures in the Township.
The Ordinance is revised periodically to address changing Township demographics and to be in conjunction with the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance and the Township Comprehensive Plan. After reviewing the Ordinance if you cannot find the information you need please contact the Zoning Officer with your specific questions. The more information you supply such as the property address, type of use or structure you wish to build, the quicker we will be able to assist you.
The Zoning Ordinance is a general guide and there are some items that may not have been included. It is the role of the Zoning Officer to interpret the ordinance and grant or deny a project or a use based on comparable situations, structures or uses that are currently listed. If a property owner objects to a denial of approval of a use or permit, they can appeal the Zoning Officer's decision to the Zoning Hearing Board.
Not all issues especially those related to boundary lines and private property are within the jurisdiction of the Zoning Officer and the Township. Some of these matters are private civil matters that must be addressed through legal system.
The Zoning Department is also tasked with enforcement of Township Codes related to Property Maintenance and Parking.